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Sharis Shabandari, CNP

Sharis Shabandari, CNP provides compassionate care with a holistic approach. Drawing from her past clinical experience with diverse health-related and cultural populations, she likes to foster a nurturing environment so patients feel comfortable sharing their sleep and health concerns. She draws on that relationship to establish a care plan that meets each individual’s needs. She takes into consideration the whole picture of her patients’ past and current situation to implement the most adequate care plan. She believes that building a relationship with patients as well as their family allows for better outcomes. She cares for her patients as she would like other healthcare professionals to treat her own family members.

Ms. Shabandari became fascinated by sleep medicine during her medical training at University of California Berkeley, CA where she discovered the cognitive and clinical implications of sleep deprivation. She initially studied psychology and later became a nurse as she felt compelled to help individuals not only with mental ailments, but also physical ailments. She received her Master’s of Science in Nursing and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Asuza Pacific University, CA.

She has an approachable and friendly demeanor with her patients and individuals she works with. She highly values collaboration and on-going communication with other providers.

Ms. Shabandari grew up in California and holds her family very important to her success. She describes herself as a person of her word who tries to do everything with honor and humility. We welcome her positive, passionate, and dynamic persona and have no doubts she will quickly feel at home in the Midwest.

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